Let´s double the public transport!

The sector has started a form of partner co-operation in order to double public transport. It is being conducted by the Swedish Public Transport Association, the Swedish Bus and Coach Federation, the Association of Swedish Train Operating Companies, the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR) and the governmentally owned company Jernhusen.

A journey by public transport is so much more than simply getting from A to B. It is a safe and environment-friendly form of travel that makes everyday life so much easier. Despite this, only 24 per cent of us choose public transport for our daily travel. A united public transport sector has therefore decided to double its market share.

A tool for that is recommended standards for the tendering process. The tools cover models for tendering contracts, recommendations for technical demands on buses, recommendations for environmental demands and recommendations for commercial demands in contracts. The recommendations are adopted by the national federations in the sector. Even if they are just recommendations and no obligations, the use of the documents and recommendations are increasing.

We will encourage all employees and interested parties in the sector to work together in order to develop the next generation of public transport. An openness for new ideas, trust and confidence in each others’ willingness and ability are building blocks in our co-operation.

One important task for us is to encourage the Government, Parliament and authorities to create the right preconditions with respect to infrastructure, urban planning, tax issues, legislation, research and development.

"Public transport is a natural part of travel in a sustainable society"

Many more people shall experience that public transport is a natural part of the travel undertaken in a sustainable society. This is both our own vision and that of the entire public transport sector. We are working to achieve the goal of doubling the market share of public transport in the long term and doubling the volume of travel on public transport. The vision has been developed with its basic starting point in the traffic policy goals. With a clear customer focus, we shall create value for our passangers.

Everyone is a winner

A doubling of the public transport market share produces major benefits for society.The goals are to significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions and to increase energy efficiency throughout the entire transport system. A doubling will also give better road safety, less congestion and a transport system that offers equal opportunities. Public transport also contributes to growth and regional development.


Swedish Public Transport Association

Swedish Bus and Coach Federation

Association of Swedish Train Operating Companies

Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR)
